Future engineers train on iX

Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, uses equipment that is on the edge of technology when training Sweden’s top engineering students. When developing applications in group work and in Batchelor's’ theses, students use the Beijer Electronics iX HMI operator panels and software including integrated CODESYS soft control and EtherCAT communication.

The internationally esteemed Chalmers University of Technology is one of the largest suppliers of qualified engineers to Swedish and international industry. It also runs a prestige-filled training course for maritime engineers, using operator panels from Beijer Electronics.

Since late 2013, students at the university use Beijer Electronics iX HMI operator panels and software with integrated CODESYS soft control. This software-based HMI solution visualizes and presents data to operators in an intuitive and attractive way. By uniting the control logic in a single operator panel system, designers can build smaller, smarter machines faster than ever before.

Employing the latest technology
Previously, the faculty used traditional operator panels, SCADA and PLCs. Now they use the full spectrum of the Beijer Electronics iX HMI panels and software including integrated CODESYS soft control and EtherCAT communication. The faculty will continue working in parallel with the different types of HMIs and PLCs to give students the chance to compare uses and performance.

“It’s important to give our students experience of the different types of HMIs they will encounter once they work on engineering projects after they leave us,” says Morgan Osbeck, lecturer at Chalmers, “One of the bigger differences with iX HMI panels is the ability to use the operator panel as a complete and compact platform for PLC and motion applications.”

Another plus for iX HMI was that it offered students a chance to work on modern equipment with high resolution touch screen, modern programming software for the HMI and a more common programming environment for the PLC.“Students feel it is important to use equipment that is on the edge of technology. The iX HMI panels and software fulfill all those requirements, as well as being equipped to work with technologies such as EtherCAT and soft control.” Continues Morgan.

Years of cooperation
Chalmers has enjoyed a long cooperation with Beijer Electronics. “We used the first systems from Beijer Electronics at the beginning of the 90s and have always enjoyed the experience of working with them. The support we receive is excellent”. Says Osbeck. Even after 15 years, engineers from Beijer Electronics still come to us at presentations and comment on Bachelors’ theses and their outcomes, helping students to be better prepared for the professional environments they will soon work in”.

To enable future engineers from Chalmers University of Technology to work on equipment at the leading edge of technology in HMI.

Equipping the faculty of engineering with iX HMI operator panels and software with integrated CODESYS soft control from Beijer Electronics

Students are well prepared for qualified assignments using the latest industry standards within HMI.